The Department of Physiotherapy is governed by INDIRA GANDHI TECNOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, Ziro. The department comes into function from 2013 onwards with undergraduate progra
The Department of Physiotherapy is governed by INDIRA GANDHI TECNOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, Ziro. The department comes into function from 2013 onwards with undergraduate progra
As per demand the numbers of skilled laboratory professionals are few thereby increase the scope of new intellect professionals.
The department is committed to supporting the mission of Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences
GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery) is a 3 years diploma programme aimed to prepare students to work effectively as members of the health team.
Department of Naturopathy & Yoga was established in 2017, and currently, the Department namely known as IGTAMSU College of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences.
Department of Sports and Physical Education was started in 2014. In the very beginning we offered BAPE and MAPE. And after that we started Certificate